Church Crevasses

Church Crevasses
After sleeping in crevices for years on end, I crawl out of one and and take my own photo for my book cover.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Running to the Top of Mt Wellington, Hobart.


  1. Genius video, bet your shoulder was killing you after carrying that camera outstretched up a mountain.

    Also, I replied to your comments but the reply button didn't work. Regardless, the replies are there under my comments.


  2. Hi Casey, glad you came over and commented. I'm used to running with my camera in my outstretched hand, done it heaps of times. Never go anywhere with out it.

    I'm travelling again, but will catch up when I'm able. I've got hundreds of videos and add them all the time on my YouTube channel.

    You're a young dad, mate.

  3. My pleasure Johnny, I'll go and subscribe right now. Where are you at now-a-days?

    I am indeed, 'tis an interesting life to lead as a young man.

    Thanks for the kind words my way as well. Strange to think that if your dad would have gone into the jungles of 'Nam you might be in a different profession eh?

    Perhaps we can spar one day! Always a good way to break the ice.

  4. Hi Johnny,
    Enjoyed reading your blog and viewing the clips. I admire your courage and wish you well. Great to meet you last night and hope to see you in Qld.
    Cheers Mate

  5. Thanks for calling by my blog, Johnny. Good on you, mate. Your vids are great. I wish I had your energy for all the out-doors stuff. My yoga mat and Tai Chi exercises are as active as I get nowadays.
    Will add your book to my "to read" list.
    Awesome profile pic. I also boxed for a few years during my teens but I quit because I hit the canvas more times than an apple at a gravity convention.
